I know where I’m from, who I am, and where I’m going.
I’ve come to such self-knowledge by way of initiation in the Sophian Lineage of Tau Malachi. Before meeting him in 1996, I felt, like so many queer people without a safe place, that there was so much more behind the words of scripture than patriarchy allowed. Being received as a disciple of Tau Malachi and his oral tradition of Christian Kabbalah, I encountered direct, experiential knowledge of God, whose Spirit breathed another bible of greater depth, sophistication, and subtlety without changing a word.
Tau Malachi ordained me as an Elder and lineage holder in 2006. I’ve since desired to make the teachings and practices of the Sophian Tradition accessible to many in a dynamic, creative outreach. My experiences facilitating ceremony, initiation, meditation, mentoring, retreat, and teaching with people continue to humble me. The wealth of who we are in God is here for us to express.
I’m committed to the light within everyone and how this shines.
"Equal Arms," Morning Star Spiritual Community
Message for Morning Star Spiritual Community
Explore the Sophian Lineage and broadcasts
Meet Tau Malachi and our international community
Essay Series
“The Succession of Prophets.” Sophian.org, 2011-16
“Mysticism of the Hebrew Alef-Bet.” Sophian.org, 2011-12
Public Talks
Thursday Night Meditation Series. Zoom. Winter 2020-present
Sunday Discourse Series with Tau Malachi and Elder Sarah. Zoom. Fall, 2020-present
Hokmah Sophia: Wisdom of God. Café Dantorel, Sacramento, August-December, 2019
Gospel of St. Thomas. Sierra 2, Sacramento, CA, Fall, 2017
Three Day Group Retreat. Austin, TX, October 2014
Gospel of St. Philip. Auburn Alchemy, Auburn, CA, Fall, 2014
Archangels of the Kabbalah. Skype, Winter-Summer, 2010
Hebrew Alef-Bet. Skype, Winter-Summer, 2009
Gnostic Solar Feasts. Unitarian Universalist Society, August-March, Sacramento, 2006
Nonprofit work
Board Secretary, January 2018-present.
Established Ecclesia Pistis Sophia 501(c)3 in California, June 2020
Ordained Sophian Elder, 2006
Board Secretary of Ecclesia Pistis Sophia 2018-present